Olimpia Splendid, ESA and Millenium Volleyball take the field in prevention month

An important opportunity to launch a message of great social importance, during breast cancer prevention month.

On the occasion of tonight's match on Thursday 31 October, Banca Valsabbina Millenium - Bosca S. Bernardo Cuneo at the PalaGeorge in Montichiari, Olimpia Splendid and the ESA (Educazione alla Salute Attiva) association will close breast cancer prevention month with an awareness campaign.
October, in fact, has now become an unmissable date to remember the importance of prevention against a disease that in Italy affects around 5,000 women every year and forces 37,000 of them to live with it for the rest of their lives: we are talking about women affected by metastatic breast cancer, a particular type that presents very different characteristics and that becomes, in many cases, a chronic disease. Precisely to give a voice to these 37,000 women, so that they can be guaranteed a quality of life that allows them to carry out their main daily activities, the Millenium Volleyball players will wear a special jersey during the opening health with an inscription that is destined to remain imprinted: "Today, in the fourth stage, you can live your whole life. Really".


This collaboration between different worlds - industry, associations and sport - was created to raise the spotlight on social issues that affect everyday life. Olimpia Splendid confirms its commitment to the awareness-raising project already underway internally, offering its female employees free inclusion in the cycle of breast cancer prevention check-ups. The initiative represents the fitting conclusion to an intense month of campaigning on prevention, during which the teams of Germani Basket Brescia Leonessa and AN Brescia also wore pink shirts.